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Building Information

Blendon M.S.
223 S. Otterbein Ave.

Kendall Harris, Principal
Fred Tombaugh, Asst. Principal

Phone: 614-797-6400
Fax: 614-797-6401

Click for Attendance & SafeArrival
or call, 1-844-431-0874

Instructional Hours:

8:15 AM - 2:50 PM

Office  Hours:  7:00 AM - 3:30 PM

History of Blendon MS

Blendon opened in the fall of 1969 as the second junior high school in Westerville. The original building was completed in 1969, and a major addition, including a large open space, was completed one year later. During the 1971 school year, construction was completed on an art room addition. Today the school has has 680 students in grades six, seven, and eight in 36 classrooms.

When the Adopt-A-School Program was started in the Westerville School District in 1985, Blendon was the first school adopted. The City of Westerville was our partner and the annual City of Westerville Day evolved. Today, our adopt-a-school partners include the McDonalds Corporation, which hosts our Homework Hotline, and Krogers Maxtown, which sponsors our Bulldog Breakfast Student Recognition Program.

Blendon has a history of caring and sharing with the community, nation and the world. We recycle school paper and aluminum, sponsored a Save the Statue of Liberty, Westerville for Willie, Jump for Your Heart, numerous food drives, the Ronald McDonald House, and formed a partnership with the Rehabilitation Center where students volunteer their time and money.

Throughout Blendon's history, student clubs and organizations have provided many extra curricular activities for our students. Some of our past and present organizations include Builders Club, Chess Club, Computer Club, Peer Tutoring, Invention Convention, Spelling and Geography Bees, Youth to Youth, Academic Enrichment (SOAR), MathCounts, Blendon Yearbook, Young Authors Conference, Power of the Pen, Science Fair, Pep Club, Student Council, Student Ambassadors, Ski Club, and the school newspaper, "The BattleCry".

Programs to honor excellence include the Honor Roll, VIP Honor Roll, Academic Reception, Citizen of the Month, Students of the Year, Scholar-Athletes, Evening of Honors, the Ray Kroc Award, and attendance awards.